Holiday Home Insurance in Ireland

Safeguard your second home from potential risks and ensure peace of mind

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The Irish love their holiday homes. The 2022 census counted almost 67,000 vacation properties in Ireland. And while a holiday home is often out of mind because it’s out of sight, insurance is definitely worth investigating.

Insurance for a second property that you use as a holiday home

As holiday home ownership continues to grow, so too does the need for insurance. The principle is the same as it is for home insurance, though the risks associated with a holiday home differ in the following ways:

  • Owners aren't occupying the residence for much of the year, making it more prone to break-ins.
  • Other occupiers might be using the home on occasion.
  • Some holiday homes may be at greater risk of damage that comes from being close to the sea.
  • Minor mishaps in an unoccupied home are at risk of snowballing; like faulty appliances leaking, exposed wires raising risk of fire, frozen food spoiling in a power cut, for example.

Understanding Holiday Home Insurance

There are many similarities between Aviva’s home insurance and holiday home insurance. Both provide cover for a range of eventualities that might happen to a property and its contents.

Holiday home insurance is available to those who own a second property and for homes which they use as their holiday home.

Aviva and holiday home insurance

Aviva's holiday home insurance provides buildings and contents cover. This means that your property structure, permanent fixtures and its contents would be covered under this policy.

Benefits of insuring your holiday home

Like other types of insurance, holiday home insurance offers peace of mind. This is especially important for a property that you’re not occupying for most of the year. You can enjoy your holiday home for breaks, while also knowing that, throughout the rest of the year, you won't be burdened with unforeseen costs. Location is important too. So, if, for instance, your holiday home is by the sea, it might be more at risk of storms and floods.

Why choose Aviva for Holiday Home Insurance

Aviva provides insurance for over 18 million customers around the world. As with Aviva home insurance, our holiday home insurance offers an affordable price with loyalty and security discounts, and a 24-hour emergency helpline.

Features of Aviva’s Holiday Home Insurance

Levels of cover

Holiday home insurance includes the following levels of cover:

  • Personal money €400
  • Contents in a domestic outbuilding €3,000
  • Replacement Locks €1,200
  • Fire brigade charges €3,500
  • Frozen food €1,000
  • Electric vehicle charging points €2,500
  • Help in a home emergency

Holiday home insurance: What’s covered?

Aviva's holiday home insurance provides buildings and contents cover for your holiday home, including your:

  • Holiday home’s permanent items
  • Outbuildings
  • Interior decorations
  • Fixtures and fittings
  • Fences and walls

A full list of the hazards covered, Terms & Conditions and policy exclusions / limits can be found in the HomeCare Policy Booklet.

  • Optional covers are available, including Accidental Damage & Garden cover

How much Holiday Home Insurance do I need?

Contents cover, for instance, will be measured by what's in the house and how much it would cost to replace these items. Aviva’s contents insurance calculator will help you work out the value of your holiday home contents. It's essential to assess the replacement cost of valuable items to ensure they are covered under the policy. 

For your buildings cover, consider the potential cost of rebuilding your holiday home in the event of significant damage, factoring in building costs and materials. 

Holiday homes: out of sight, not out of mind

With an insurance policy in place, you can enjoy your getaways without the nagging worry of not being covered should any unforeseen events occur. Additionally, should any mishaps occur when the property is vacant, such as frozen pipes or electrical failures, your insurance cover will help protect you against any unforeseen expenses.

Holiday home insurance for Ireland allows you to enjoy your holiday home to the fullest, while safeguarding against the financial toll of unexpected incidents. 

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