Aviva Sensory Hub

Aviva Ireland’s initiative to make Aviva Stadium a more inclusive space is back with the return to full capacity for fans

In January 2020, Aviva Ireland installed a sensory hub in Aviva Stadium as part of its long running sponsorship of the home of Irish Rugby and Soccer. The hub includes a Cubbie Booth sensory solution and is accessible to all fans attending international matches. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Aviva Sensory Hub was closed as games were taking place behind closed doors. However, the return of Aviva Stadium to full capacity this month sees the reintroduction of the Aviva Sensory Hub. 

Aviva is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity across all areas of its business, including its sponsorships. With the help of Irish rugby legend Jamie Heaslip and Republic of Ireland footballer James McClean, Aviva revealed the Aviva Sensory Hub and invited a number of families living with autism and ASD issues to experience the hub at the launch.

In Ireland, one in 20 people have sensory issues such as ADHD, dyspraxia and SPD, while one in 50 have been diagnosed with autism. The spectrum disorder, which includes Asperger’s, affects everyone differently, but is usually characterised by difficulty with social interaction and communication. The stadium can be a very overwhelming environment for people with sensory issues and Aviva want to try and help to combat that.

The Aviva Sensory Hub offers a multi-sensory space to both children and adults and can adapt to the individual needs of each user. It delivers a total sensory management system, which reduces sensory overload and disruption. The state-of-the-art sensory booth is free for any fan to use during their visit to Aviva stadium.

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00:00:02 Erin McClean

Match day is so special just getting the kids ready to come to the Aviva so they can soak in the atmosphere to watch their Daddy it’s amazing. Allie-May and Junior love it. The excitement for them that day, is class like. They know it’s their daddy and coming to watch all the boys, the Irish boys play at the Aviva, that’s an experience they’ll never forget. Willow has been coming to games since she was a new-born. So, we didn't really pick up on anything until about maybe a year and a half ago now. It's just such an overwhelming experience for her she doesn't, she can't handle at all, it's too much.

00:00:32 Lisa Bergin, Aviva Sponsorship Manager

So as a company we are committed to inclusivity and diversity in every strand of our business. So, realise that a lot of people probably matchdays a little bit different for them. So, we needed to make some changes to make sure that they felt welcome. So today we are launching the Aviva sensory hub here in the Aviva Stadium.

0:00:53 James McClean, Rep of Ireland footballer

Although I haven’t experienced it first-hand at a game, I have experienced Willow and you know, crowded situations and how she gets so I think having the Cubie Booth will work wonders for Willow and others like Willow.

00:01:04 Erin McClean

I’ve seen how much she loved it today and I think when she has that five or 10 minutes beforehand of calmness and being able to centre herself and relax herself, she'll be prepared for the two hours of football.

00:01:22 Message on screen

The Aviva’s Sensory Hub is located at section 104 on Level 1 in the Aviva Stadium.

00:01:24 Video ends

  • The Aviva Sensory Hub contains a Cubbie booth. The sensory solution offers a multi-sensory space to both children and adults and can adapt to the individual needs of each user. It delivers a total sensory management system.
  • Users can create a profile on the Cubbie during their first visit, which will then be available each time they use the hub.
  • The Aviva Sensory Hub is located at section 104 in Aviva Stadium, and can be accessed via Level 1 at the East tunnel.
  • There will be a qualified special needs assistant on hand to help to create profiles on the booth.
  • The Cubbie can facilitate one user at a time.
  • Sessions will run between 5-10 minutes and will operate on a first come first served queuing basis.

Photo Gallery

Aviva Sensory Hub launch

Aviva Sensory Hub launch

Aviva Sensory Hub launch

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