Your retirement options
When you get to retirement age, you’ll be faced with plenty of choices. Should you take up golf or gardening? Would you prefer a luxury cruise or those long-planned home renovations? But you’ll also have choices to make about how you use your pension money.
Depending on your personal circumstances, we have two options which you can choose from:

Approved Retirement Fund
Approved Retirement Funds keep your pension savings invested after you have retired while giving you the freedom to withdraw money as and when you need it.

An annuity provides a regular income for the rest of your life. You can buy an annuity with the money from your pension fund.
Download our guide plus application forms and claims forms
Retirement Guide
Annuity Application Form
Annuity Application Form for Guaranteed Annuities
Approved Retirement Fund Application Form
Benefit Crystallisation Event (BCE) Declaration
Retirement Claim Form - Buy Out Bond
Retirement Claim Form - Company Pension Plan/AVC
Retirement Claim Form - Personal Pension and PRSA
Expert advice
Want expert advice on pensions and retirement? Contact your Financial Broker today.
News articles

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How much income will I need in retirement?
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Important information to consider.
Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up. Warning: If you invest in this product you may lose some or all of the money you invest. Warning: This product may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates. |