Supporting Displaced Ukrainians

Aviva is delighted to provide a number of supports that we hope will help in some small way to support Ukrainian refugees who have fled the conflict in their country.  You are welcome to join us with one of our initiatives below.

Free shop for Ukrainian refugees

We have provided two vacant shop units on Clarendon Street to Ukrainian businessman, Ruslan Mocharskyy who has opened a shop providing free essential items for refugees arriving in Ireland.  The two units have been given to him by Aviva rent-free for a period of three months, with No 44 Clarendon, Dublin 2 opening as a shop, the Palyanytsya Centre, and No 41 Clarendon Street for use as storage and as a drop off point.

Anyone wishing to donate can drop items off at No 41 Clarendon Street.  Ruslan has advised us that the refugees need supplies for woman and children, including:

  • clothing,
  • baby food,
  • formula, 
  • sanitary products,
  • hair care products and accessories,
  • toiletries,
  • items for children such as colouring books, pencils, crayons, toys etc

Aviva home insurance customers taking in refugees

Aviva has waived the need for home insurance customers to contact us if taking Ukrainian refugees into their homes due to the unprecedented circumstances, and in line with Government efforts to find housing solutions for those arriving here to escape the conflict. Insurers are treating refugees as guests meaning, that our home insurance customers don’t have to inform us that they’re staying with you. They’ll be covered by your policy in the same way as guests living in the home. If, after 12 months, any individuals or family are still living with them, then you should inform us when the policy is next due for renewal.

The Palyanytsya Centre

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00:00:00 Video Starts

00:00:04 James Ryan

Many displaced Ukrainians are arriving into Ireland with very limited possessions. The Palyanytsya Center on 44 Clarendon Street provides many Ukrainians with essential items free of charge.

00:00:17 Suzie Nolan

We are here in one of the properties held in the Aviva Irish Commercial Property Fund. When we have properties with strategic vacancy we try to use them for community initiatives such as Champion Green: House the Heroes. The current initiative is with Ukrainian businessman Ruslan, where Aviva has provided this property, rent free, for his latest initiative. Ruslan, can you tell us a bit about this?

00:00:35 Ruslan Mocharskyy

The Palyanytsya is the Ukrainian hub for the newly arrived Ukrainians that come into Ireland. We proivde all the essentials for the new arrived Ukrainians absolutely free of charge.

00:00:48 Caelan Doris

The shop depends on your support to ensure Ukrainains have what themselves and their children need as they start their new lives in Ireland.

00:00:53 Suzie Nolan

Can you tell us, I suppose, what kind of items are people really looking for here in this shop?

00:00:58 Ruslan Mocharskyy

Everything. Clothes, toiletries, baby food, nappies, shoes. Anything you can think of. 

00:01:06 Suzie Nolan

At the start obviously there was lots of Ukrainians arriving here into Ireland. Are there many arriving in now day by day at the moment?

00:01:12 Ruslan Mocharskyy

We used to do about 400 to 500 people a day in Palyanytsya. And now I reckon it's averaging probably somewhere between 250 to 350 people a day are leaving this place with full bags of goods.

00:01:27 Gavin Coombes

Donations such as clothes, baby food, toiletries and children's toys can be dropped off at the drop off centre at 41 Clarendon Street, Dublin 2.

00:01:37 Suzie Nolan

Well, you've heard from Ruslan how important all of these items are. So if you would like to donate anything 44 Clarendon Street to the Aviva property, you can drop off or have things delivered directly here. Many thanks.

00:01:47 James Ryan, Caelan Doris, Gavin Coombes

Your support will be very much appreciated.

00:01:55 Video Ends