In offering you an online home insurance quote, we assume the following:
Your property
- Is in a good state of repair, and will be kept in good repair at all times.
- Is secure, with locks fitted to all external doors (additional security requirements may also apply).
- Is less than 125 years old.
- Will not be left unoccupied for more than 60 days in a row.
- Is your main home, occupied solely by you and/or your family.
- Is not used in any way for business purposes (including any domestic outbuildings).
- At least 75% of it consists of standard building materials, such as brick, stone or concrete with a slate or tiled roof.
- Is not located in an area particularly prone to damage by storm, flood, subsidence, heave or landslip.
- Is not a Holiday Home or a rented property.
- Is not a listed building, a period house or does not have a preservation order on it.
- Does not have ornate ceilings or plasterwork, antique fireplaces or any other unique features.
Your property’s insurance history
We assume that:
- No insurer has declined or stopped insurance on your property.
- No insurer has imposed any special terms or conditions on your property.
- Your property will be insured for an amount equal to the rebuilding cost.
Your insurance history
We assume that you, and any member of your household:
- Have never had insurance declined or stopped, or had any special terms or conditions imposed.
- Have never been declared bankrupt or been convicted or charged with an offence of any nature or have any conviction or prosecution pending.
- Have never had a flood, subsidence, heave or landslip claim or loss.
- Have not made any other claims or incurred any losses (excluding flood, subsidence, heave and landslip) in the last 3 years, whether you were insured or not.
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