Heading out on a road trip means being prepared, whether that’s by loading up your favourite music, packing snacks or having a few games ready for the kids. We’ve got nine other ‘any occasion’ car necessities to make sure you’ve got all the bases covered! But it also means knowing what to do in the case of a breakdown.
We’ve broken down what to do in the event of a breakdown into a ten step, quick and easy checklist.
With Aviva car insurance, breakdown rescue cover comes as standard on your policy so we’ve got your back 24/7 should it happen to you.

By following the tips above, you can rest easy knowing that you’re prepared. Another way to be prepared is knowing how to check under the bonnet of your car to make sure everything is in order.
Don’t forget, for every claim-free year that you hold a policy in your name you get 10% off the price of your Comprehensive or Third Party, Fire and Theft insurance. Get into the habit of having great car insurance.
Get a car insurance quote, with a 15% discount for buying online1.