In offering you an online car insurance quote, we assumed the following:
If you decide to take a policy out with us, we will rely on the information supplied to us as part of the quote and you will also be required to confirm the following assumptions are true.
You (or any named driver’s) driving history
- You or any named driver have never had any driving disqualifications*
- You or any named driver have never been convicted of any offence or have any prosecution pending* (this includes motoring and/or any non motoring criminal offences)
- You or any named driver have never been refused car insurance, or had any car insurance policy declared void or cancelled by an insurer in last 7 years
- You or any named driver have never had an increased excess or reduced level of cover imposed on a policy by an insurer in the last 7 years
- You or any named driver do not have any medical conditions that impair your/their ability to drive
*An individual is not required to disclose a spent conviction when supplying information on past convictions. To determine whether or not a conviction is a 'spent conviction' under the Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions and Certain Disclosures) Act 2016 please visit the Irish Statute Book website.
Your insurance history
- Your No Claims Discount or Named Driving experience was earned in Ireland/UK
- Your no claims discount is not in use on any other active policy (the same no claim discount cannot be in use at the same time on more than one policy)
Your car
- Is a private car and is taxed privately
- Is used for social, domestic and pleasure purposes only, including commuting. If you require wider cover than this, please contact us in the call centre for a quote.
- Is owned by and registered in either your name or your Wife/Husband/Partner
Main Driver (applicable to you)
- You and or Wife/Husband/Partner are the main drivers of the car
- You are not the main driver of any other car
- You don't have insurance in your own name on any other cars
- You are a permanent resident in the Republic of Ireland
Your Quote
- Your Quote Is based on the policy cover start date
- May include discounts which are exclusive to online customers
- Online discounts may vary from time to time for example as a result of marketing campaigns and some discounts may vary for customers who are switching to Aviva from another insurer.
Your MultiCar Discount
- Is based on you having provided a correct, valid Aviva Direct policy number in order to avail of the MultiCar quote discount.
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Looking for more information?
Aviva car insurance comes with great benefits as standard, a range of optional covers and extras and there's great savings to be made if you have more than one car in your household.

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