We have put together a handy glossary to make it easier for you to understand all of the terms we use for car insurance. This glossary contains definitions for the keywords you are most likely to come across when getting a car insurance quote or looking through your policy documents.
Additional Temporary Driver
Adding another driver to your policy for a temporary period of time.
Bodily Injury
Injury resulting directly from an accident caused by something violent and visible.
Breakdown rescue cover
A breakdown service which provides you with one hour roadside or home start assistance and towing to the nearest garage if your vehicle cannot be repaired at the scene.
Business Day
Business day means any day except Saturday, Sunday, bank holidays and public holidays.
Cancelling the policy
You may cancel the policy at any time by returning the certificate of motor insurance and windscreen disc to us. We may cancel the policy by giving you 10 days’ notice by post to your last known address.
Certificate of Insurance
The current document that proves you have the motor insurance you need by law. The certificate shows who can drive your car, what you can use it for and what cars you are allowed to drive. It is proof that you can use your car on a road or in any other public place, as needed by the Road Traffic Acts. The certificate does not show the cover you have.
A request made by the insured for compensation from the insurance company in the event of a loss.
Comprehensive Car Insurance
Comprehensive cover protects you in the event of fire, theft or attempted theft and covers you for claims made against you by other people for personal injury or damage to their property. It also gives you extra protection if your car is accidentally damaged.
Changes in the terms of your policy. These are shown in your schedule and described in section 5 of your policy.
The amount you will have to pay towards any claim.
Fault Claim
An accident or loss where you are considered to be at fault, or where costs cannot be recovered from somebody else.
Geographical Limits
Geographical limits pertain to the territorial areas or locations outside of which an insurance policy may not provide coverage to the insured. For instance, we will provide insurance as set out in the policy for events which may happen in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands during any period of insurance.
Loss of a limb
Having a limb cut off or permanent loss of use of the limb at or above the wrist or ankle. This relates to Section 4 of the policy JourneyWise Accident cover if shown in your schedule as described in your policy.
Main Driver
The person named in the schedule as being insured who uses the car most often.
Material Fact
Any facts which are likely to affect whether we agree to provide cover, or how we assess the risk proposed for insurance.
Mid term alterations (MTA)
An alteration to your policy during the period of insurance. If this results in an adjustment to your premium we will not charge you for premium adjustments less than €20, nor will we refund you any premium amounts of less than €20
Any change made to your vehicle, which do not form part of the manufacturers standard specification that affects its aesthetics, performance or functionality.
Named Driver
An additional driver, named in the schedule as being insured, who with the policyholder’s permission is entitled to drive under the terms of the Certificate.
No Claims Discount (sometimes referred to as No Claims Bonus)
A reduction in the premium charged for insurance when no claim is made or arises during an agreed preceding period.
No Claims Discount Protection
An optional cover you can add to your policy to protect your no claims discount in the event that you need to make a claim or one arises under the policy in the period of insurance. You must pay an extra premium for this cover.
Your partner or husband or wife, living at the same address as you and sharing financial responsibilities with you. This does not include any business partner or associate.
Period of insurance
The period of time covered by this policy, as shown in the schedule, and any further period that we agree to insure you for.
Private Car
Any vehicle built mainly for carrying passengers and taxed for private use only
A quotation is an estimate of premium for the insurance coverage you selected based on the information you have provided.
The document which gives details of the cover you have.
Social, Domestic and Pleasure
Allows you to drive your car privately for your own personal use as well as for driving back and forth to a permanent place of work.
Optional no-claim discount step-back
An optional cover you can add to your policy to protect your no claims bonus in the event that you need to make a claim. If you make a single claim or one arises during any period of insurance, we will reduce your no claims discount as follows: 50% to 20%, 40% to 10%, 30% or less to nill. You must pay an extra premium for this cover.
Temporary Vehicle Substitute
Means any private car (not owned by the policyholder named in the schedule) being temporarily used with the permission of the owner as a substitute for the owned car. This is if the car is withdrawn from normal use for reasons including because of breakdown, repair, servicing, loss or destruction.
Third Party Fire and Theft
Third Party Fire and Theft cover protects you in the event of fire, theft or attempted theft and covers you for claims made against you by other people for personal injury or damage to their property.
Windscreen Cover
Cover for loss of or damage to the glass in your car’s windscreen or any other car window (not including the sunroof or panoramic roof) and any scratching on the bodywork as a result of the breakage.
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