Aviva have been delivering Legal Indemnity solutions for a wide range of legal contingency scenarios for over 50 years. We believe our Legal Contingency product offering service proposition and underwriting specialists can help you meet your clients needs.
What Legal Contingency products do we offer?
Administration Bonds
A financial guarantee to the High Court Probate Office, It ensures that a deceased person’s estate is properly administered in accordance with the law. It is usually required in cases where the deceased has died intestate, left a will which is defective or named executors who refuse/decline the appointment or are deceased.
Lost Title Deeds
There may be occasions when the Title to a property is incomplete because one or more title documents have been mislaid. In this instance a Defective Title / Lost Title Deeds policy would be required.
The policy indemnifies the insured (and their mortgagees, successors in title) against direct financial loss, costs and expenses incurred should the title be challenged or defeated as result of the defect or absence of the Title Documents.
Please note however Defective title policies are for the benefit of the Owner of the property & or successors in title, Lessees and Mortgagees, Please refer to page 2 of our Defective Title policy document “indemnity to successors in title”
Lost Shares Indemnities
If a stock or share certificate has been lost or destroyed, the registered owner is required to indemnify the Company Registrar against any loss arising out of the issue of a duplicate certificate. To minimise the risk to the Registrar, an insurance company is required to join in the undertaking as Guarantor.
The Guarantee provides an indemnity to enable owners obtain replacements while covering the share issuing company against any losses incurred as a result of them having supplied duplicates.
Visit our Solicitors' Forms page for our guide and policy documents. There is a wide range of Legal Contingency products. Download our Legal Contingency Guide below.
In addition we also provide cover for the following additional contingencies:
- Defective Titles Policy
Provides an indemnify to the insured (and their mortgagees, successors in title) against all direct financial loss, costs and expenses incurred should the title be challenged or defeated as a result of the specified defect in title. - Restrictive Covenants Policy
Protects the insured (and their mortgagees, successors in title) against direct financial loss suffered in the event of another party enforcing or attempting to enforce any Restrictive Covenants written into Title Deeds - Right of Way Policy
Protects the insured (and their mortgagees, successors in title) where access to a property is over an un-adopted road against the owner of the road preventing or attempting to prevent its use for access to the property.
- Services Indemnities Policy
Protects the insured (and their mortgagees, successors in title) whose property has no legal right to use services passing through another person’s land against the owner of the land through which the services pass preventing or attempting to prevent its use in connection with the property. - Missing Beneficiary Policy
Protects the trustees, executors or administrators should any missing persons re-appear to claim their entitled share in the estate after its distribution amongst the traced beneficiaries.
Please review the policy document for full policy details. Visit our Solicitors' Forms page for policy documents.
Contact Information
Our Legal Contingency Underwriting Specialist Team welcome all enquiries and look forward to helping you provide a comprehensive insurance package for your clients.
NOTE: Lost Shares Indemnity submissions:- The undertaking does not relieve the shareowner from their obligation to make good any loss incurred by Aviva as a result of our joining in the indemnity as a *Guarantor to your undertaking to indemnify the share Registrar. Please note our counter-indemnity clause contained in the proposal form.
NOTE: Acceptance criteria terms & conditions apply for more information please review the relevant policy booklet.