People are what makes a business
As the working world changes, it’s becoming harder and harder to attract and retain staff. Sometimes a more substantial benefit package is needed. Aviva Group Protection offers your staff exactly that. Our policies are designed to help businesses of all shapes and sizes and our comprehensive range of cover includes financial support as well as a wide range of unique benefits and services designed to support your staff and their families.
Why should I consider Group Protection?
A good benefits package can make employees feel rewarded and appreciated for their work.
Under current tax laws* premiums are treated as an allowable business expense for tax purposes.
Schemes can start with as few as 3 members and we offer unit rate pricing for all schemes.
Benefits are tailored to the needs of the business and budget.
Watch our Group Protection Video
Emma Roberts, Proposition Lead Group Protection, Aviva Life & Pensions Ireland DAC shares in a one minute pitch video all about Group Protection.
00:00:01 Video starts
00:00:06 Emma Roberts one minute pitch, Group Protection
00:00:09 Your time starts now, so what is Group Protection?
00:00:12 Emma Roberts, Proposition Lead Group Protection, Aviva Life & Pensions Ireland DAC
It is a tax efficient way for employers to put in place benefit package for their employees, it includes Group Life Insurance and Income Protection.
00:00:20 How does it work?
00:00:22 Emma Roberts
The employer sends us a list of employees that they want to have covered and we product a quote. Once our quote is accepted then we go ahead and get the policy started.
00:00:31 Who pays for this cover?
00:00:32 Emma Roberts
The employer pays for the cover and there is no benefit in kind for the employee.
00:00:36 Do you have to be a big company to take this cover?
00:00:39 Emma Roberts
No not at all. Aviva offers cover to employers with at least three employees.
00:00:43 Any other benefits included with Aviva?
00:00:46 Emma Roberts
Yes, our Aviva Family Care benefit, our mental help support service is available and also Best Doctors which is our second medical opinion service, and both of those benefits are available free of charge.
00:00:58 Finally Emma what would you say to someone thinking about this cover?
00:01:00 Emma Roberts
I would say employers are struggling with retaining at the moment and having a group protection benefit package is a great way to retain and attract the best people.
00:01:11 Emma your time is up
00:01:16 To find out more about group protection talk to your financial broker
00:01:32 Video ends
Why Choose Aviva?
- Providing trusted protection in Ireland for over 240 years
- Strong track record in paying claims
- Market Leader** in Income Protection in Ireland
- Specialised treatment services including rehabilitation, cancer and psychological support on Income Protection plans
- Aviva Care, exclusive benefits at no extra charge for the following services:
- Digital GP
- Best Doctors, second medical opinion service
- Family Care Mental Health Support
- Bereavement Support
** Milliman market share analysis January 2022
Our products

Group Income Protection
Group Income Protection provides your employees with financial security and peace of mind should they become unable to work due to illness or injury.

Group Life Protection
Group life insurance makes sure an employees’ family will be looked after with the security of a lump sum and/or pension benefit in the event of their death.