Charges and Fees

The following information is provided to help you understand the type and scale of charges (or credits) which may apply on a policy which you hold with us.

This information is also provided to assist you in reading your Annual Policy Statement and other documents you may receive from us about your policy.

For ease of use, we have broken down this information into a number of headings, based on the type of policy you may have with us and the nature of the charges, credits and fees that can apply.

Please refer to your policy conditions and/or policy schedule for further details of the charges that apply in your case. If you wish to obtain any further information in relation to the charges, credits or fees applicable on your policy please contact us.

In providing the information below Aviva is complying with section 4.56 of the Consumer Production Code 2012.

Protection Policies

Traditional with Profit Pension and Investment Policies

Unit Linked Policies

When you take out a “Unit Linked” Savings, Investment, Pension or Protection policy with Aviva, the premium you pay buys units in one or more investment funds chosen by you. The following types of charges can apply to your Unit Linked policy:

Charges or Credits Applying to Premiums Paid

Ongoing Policy Charges or Credits – monetary amounts

Ongoing Policy Charges or Credits – percentage of policy value

Policy Charges or Adjustments applied on early exit

The above Charges/Adjustments are also shown – where relevant – on Annual Policy Statements and quotations for your policy.  They typically represent the difference between the Gross Policy Value (sometimes called Current value) and the Net Policy Value (sometimes called Surrender/Transfer value).

Government/Regulatory Levies and Taxes

Vested PRSA, Approved Minimum Retirement Fund & Approved Retirement Fund Policies

General Definitions