We all deserve a break away, but what we don’t deserve is to come back to a house that has been burgled. Take the time to put in place safeguards that will protect your home and give you peace of mind while you’re away. Here are some tips that you can follow…

You’ve got mail – You don’t want mail lying on your doorstep alerting would-be burglars to your absence, so either get someone to collect it or ring your local post office to hold it while you’re away. The same applies to any other deliveries you usually receive.
Everybody needs good neighbours - Have a neighbour check out your house to make sure everything is okay. They could take out the rubbish for bin day too – a clear message to burglars that the house is occupied.
Let there be light - Install timers both inside your house and in your garden. These will give the illusion that your house is not empty.
Keep your curtains open – Again, this will give a sense that the house is occupied. Alternatively, ask a family member or friend to open your curtains during the day and close them at night.
Be wary of social media – We know it’s tough but try not to put ALL your details online, such as the dates you will be away. It can be risky to make information about your holiday public knowledge.
Lock your garage door – Doing so will stop thieves trying to open it with a remote control. And on the subject of cars, don’t leave a portable GPS in your car when using long-term car parking. Thieves can simply use it to take them back to your empty house. If you have a built-in unit, set ‘home’ as somewhere close to your house, but not the actual address.
Stash valuables – If you have a safe, use it to lock away prized possessions.
Cut your grass – This will suggest to would-be burglars that you have not gone away for a long period.
Be smart – Don’t put spare keys in predictable places, like under the mat or in the flower pot. They are the first spots burglars look.
Get a good security system – Monitor your home from afar with a hi-tech sensor system that you can check from your mobile phone.
Unplug all devices – You want to still have a house when you return, so protect appliances like toasters, TVs and computers from power surges by simply pulling the plug.
Hire a house-sitter or a pet-sitter – This might be a little expensive, but it will certainly put your mind at rest about home security.
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