Those of a nervous disposition, brace yourselves; we’re well and truly into spooky season! The countdown to Halloween has already begun, which means it’s that time of year when horror movie marathons, ghoulish decorations and scary stories are all the rage.
Of course, the wonderful thing is that it’s a time of year when the whole family can get involved in – from costumes and games to family movie nights.
Getting creative
Nothing captures the spirit of Halloween like getting creative; from fancy dress ideas to wicked art projects, it’s a wonderful way to get in the mood – and make some memories in the process! We’ve picked out three ideas that are easy, budget-friendly, and are guaranteed to have the family feeling Halloween-y!
1. Make some decorations

From spooky paintings to scary figurines, it’s a time to kit your home out in all things ghoulish – and these vampire bats are a delightful (and surprisingly easy!) addition to Halloween displays. All you need is some empty toilet paper rolls, some paints, black and white cardboard, and scissors!
- Fold down the ends on one side of the toilet roll. When it’s in the right shape, paint the whole thing black.
- Trace, and carefully cut out, the wings from a piece of black cardboard – and once the paint is dry, attach them using sticky tape.
- Cut out eyes and a mouth from white card; if you want to add some colour, now’s the time. Once they’re done, stick them on to give the bat a face.
- If you want to hang your creation, pop some tape across the top with twine attached.
2. Carve a pumpkin

Nothing says Halloween quite like a jack-o-lantern – and nothing beats the excitement of carving it yourself! The seasonal squash will be in plentiful supply in supermarket and grocery stores, though you can go the extra mile by visiting a patch to pick your own; from Clonfert Pet Farm in Kildare to Kingstown Pumpkin Patch in Tipperary, you might be surprised at how many different spots offer the chance to select one at source!
Of course, if the wee ones are going to get stuck in then you’ll want them to be safe; with that in mind, it’s worth getting your hands on a pumpkin carving kit. Widely available for the season that’s in it (including at Tesco), they mean your kids won’t be fumbling with a sharp knife, and the stencil shapes help ensure the finished product will look just right!
3. Create a costume

From the classic bedsheet ghost to copying characters from shows, books and films, you’ll be amazed at how many impressive outfits can be conjured up with a little initiative! It’s a great way to reuse old clothes and fabrics, and your little ones are guaranteed to have the time of their lives; to make it extra special, why not select a group costume that gets the whole family in on the fun?
You don’t need to be an expert with a sewing machine, either; a glue gun can be your best friend, while stick-on velcro is an even cheaper and easier way to keep things together…
Even if you’re temporarily turning your home into a haunted house, you’ll always want to know it’s protected, whatever the season. Get 20% off when you buy home insurance online. Get your quote today.1