There’s nothing quite like taking a long, luxurious bath in the evening or enjoying a cool shower on a hot summer’s day. To really make a relaxing haven of your bathroom, it’s best to keep it in tip-top shape. We’ve compiled a list of bathroom cleaning hacks that will make cleaning your bathroom a breeze.

1. Tiles & Grouting
Over time, a shower’s tiles and grouting are likely to build up a layer of stubborn grime. To ensure clean and shiny shower tiles, mix two-parts baking soda and one to two parts water into a fine paste. Then grab a toothbrush or stiff-wired brush. Scrub the tiles and grouting with the solution and your shower will shine in no time!
If you don’t have the above ingredients, try using whitening toothpaste. You’ll discover that it cleans tiles and sinks just as well as it cleans teeth!
2. Mildew
Thanks to the steam from showers and baths, a little mildew is inevitable even in the cleanest of bathrooms. A solution of water and white vinegar can be used to scrub it away from around your tub and shower. Do this every so often to avoid build-up in the future.
You can also keep a container of rice hidden in the corner to help absorb mildew and prevent mould from growing. Placing rice in your bathroom can also help absorb any odours that may be lurking around.
3. Shower Doors & Curtains
To keep soap residue at bay, fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray it on glass doors after showering. After leaving it to soak for about 30 seconds, scrub it with a sponge. Alternatively, furniture polish can remove the soap residue and create a protective layer against future build-ups.
If you have a shower curtain, mildew can be eliminated by mixing two tablespoons of washing-up liquid with household bleach and spraying it on the affected area(s).
4. Toilet
You’ve probably been dreading this part, but don’t worry, we’ve compiled some hands-off approaches to make your toilet sparklingly clean! Stains below the waterline can be eliminated by dropping two effervescent antacid tablets into the bowl and leaving it for an hour to dissolve. The bubbling mixture should remove any lingering grime from the porcelain. Alternatively, a ¼ cup of tooth-whitening mouthwash or a can of cola has a similar effect!
5. Bathtub
A clean bath is an attractive centrepiece, but a stained bath can be an eyesore. To remove persistent stains from your tub, take half a grapefruit. Apply salt to the fruit and scrub the stains away. After rinsing, your bathtub will be restored to its original, gleaming condition.
6. Taps & Fixtures
To keep your taps and fixtures bright and shiny, apply baby oil to a soft cloth and polish them until they gleam! If you find rust rings on any porcelain, this can be remedied by scrubbing away the residue and applying clear nail polish to the rusted fixtures. The coating should stop it from rusting further and from leaving new rust rings on your freshly cleaned porcelain.
7. Shower Heads
If you’re looking for an easy way to clean a shower head, fill a small bag (such as a Ziploc or sandwich bag) with diluted white vinegar. Tie it around the shower head and leave to soak overnight. This will break down dirt and grim to make for easy cleaning with a cloth.
8. Makeup Stains
Shaving cream can be an effective way of removing makeup stains from towels or other pieces of fabric. Spray some on the stain and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Wipe clean with a cloth and rinse with water before putting it into the washing basket.
Another hack for cleaning makeup is to use baby shampoo. Add some to a damp cloth and gently rub the stain.
9. Mirrors
To help stop your mirrors from fogging up after a shower, use shaving foam. Not only that but instead of getting the glass cleaner out, shaving foam can also be used to give them a good clean. Simply squirt a few drops of the foam, let it set for a few minutes then give it a wipe down with a clean cloth.
Now that you have an idea of some cleaning tips for your bathroom and it’s clean enough to eat in (almost!), find more information on protecting your home. Get 20% off your home insurance when you buy online. Get your quote now.1
We’ve more cleaning tips in our cleaning hacks series! Why not check out our kitchen cleaning tips here and our living room cleaning hacks here.