Sustainability at Aviva Stadium

Aviva Home Insurance

As the home of Irish football and rugby, Aviva Stadium has hosted its fair share of moments to go down in history – and as a proud sponsor of the stadium, we know the importance of doing our bit to build towards a brighter future, too.

We chatted to Aidan Byrne, Sustainability Manager at Aviva Stadium, who explained how they’ve got what it takes to make a difference, as well as offering some simple tips and tricks to make your own home a greener place.


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Transcript  for video Aviva Stadium Sustainability - Biodiversity


00:00:03:00 - 00:00:06:12

Kathy: Aviva Stadium has hosted some of 

the biggest days in Irish sport,


00:00:06:12 - 00:00:09:15

along with many memorable concerts

and much more.


00:00:09:15 - 00:00:13:20

But a lot goes on here on a day to day

basis also, including a massive


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undertaking to ensure this amazing stadium

is run with sustainability to the fore.


00:00:18:24 - 00:00:22:08

I'm Kathy Kavanagh and today

I'll be talking to Aviva Stadium


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Sustainability Manager Aidan Byrne,

who'll talk us through


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how they've got what it takes

to make this place even greener.


00:00:29:20 - 00:00:33:08

Aidan, tell us about some of the key areas

the stadium focuses on


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from a sustainability perspective.


00:00:35:04 - 00:00:38:07

Aidan: Our current sustainability programme

focuses on three core areas


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water stewardship, waste management

and recycling and biodiversity protection.


00:00:42:05 - 00:00:45:24

Kathy: Some people might be surprised

that Aviva Stadium is the home


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of some of Irish native species.


00:00:47:14 - 00:00:49:00

Can you tell us a little bit about that?


00:00:49:00 - 00:00:51:17

Aidan: As a business supporter of 

the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan


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our Biodiversity Protection Programme


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 has a keen focus on supporting local pollinators.


00:00:56:05 - 00:00:57:22

With that,

we actually teamed up with Aviva


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to install a six-foot long bug hotel

over in the Aviva Home Turf garden.


00:01:01:21 - 00:01:05:01

Bug hotels are a really great resource

to provide shelter and food


00:01:05:01 - 00:01:09:16

for local insects and there’s over 11,000

different species in Ireland alone.


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And these little creatures,

they play such a vital role


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in our ecosystem

by pollinating all our plants.


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So we're very happy to play our part

in the conservation process.


00:01:17:22 - 00:01:19:04

Kathy: Do you have any tips


00:01:19:04 - 00:01:22:17

for people in their homes

as to how they can support biodiversity?


00:01:23:00 - 00:01:25:20

Aidan: When it comes to the garden,

it's best to remember


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don't mow, let it grow. By reducing

the amount of times you mow your lawn


00:01:29:11 - 00:01:32:21

to even once a month, it'll allow

native wildflowers like dandelion,


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clover and birdsfoot trefoil

to naturally return over time.


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So by reducing the amount you mow your lawn,


00:01:37:23 - 00:01:40:23

to even once a month will help them

naturally return one pocket at a time.


00:01:41:05 - 00:01:44:06

You can also build your own simple bug

hotel at home using materials


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you find around the house,


00:01:45:12 - 00:01:49:08

And this will encourage beneficial insects

like solitary bees and ladybirds


00:01:49:08 - 00:01:50:05

back into your garden.


00:01:50:05 - 00:01:53:05

You can watch how to build one

step by step at


00:01:53:14 - 00:01:54:23

Kathy: Oh I love that, might 

do it with the kids. 


00:01:54:23 - 00:01:55:16

Aidan: It’s great fun.

Water stewardship

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Transcript  for video Aviva Stadium Sustainability - Water Stewardship

Water stewardship:

00:00:02:15 - 00:00:03:24

Kathy: Can you tell me a little bit about


00:00:03:24 - 00:00:07:22

what happens behind the scenes in relation

to water stewardship or conservation?


00:00:08:00 - 00:00:10:07

Aidan: Water doesn't get the same attention

as energy management


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because it's a lot cheaper than gas,


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electricity and oil,

but it's just as important.


00:00:13:14 - 00:00:16:23

So to ensure that we manage this

precious resource in a responsible manner,


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we have to make sure that we measure

how much we're using,


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where we take it from,

what we do with it


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and ultimately how much we're sending back

for treatment in the local plant.


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It's also really


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important for us to understand

what the impact


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our water use is having on the local

environment and the people around us.


00:00:29:22 - 00:00:34:16

Our current water treatment system follows

the reduce, replace and reuse approach.


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So, in terms of reducing,


00:00:36:03 - 00:00:39:00

that's all about using more efficient

equipment and processes.


00:00:39:03 - 00:00:42:15

Replacing is about substituting

drinking water with other sources,


00:00:42:15 - 00:00:46:07

like the way we harvest rain off the roof

for our pitch irrigation system. 


00:00:46:07 - 00:00:49:17

Reuse then is more about trying

to recycle grey water,


00:00:49:17 - 00:00:51:12

which is something

we're looking at in the future.


00:00:51:12 - 00:00:52:13

Kathy: Can you tell us a little bit


00:00:52:13 - 00:00:55:23

about how people could be more mindful

about water conservation at home?


00:00:55:23 - 00:00:58:24

Aidan: The reduce, replace, reuse approach

that we use here at the stadium


00:00:58:24 - 00:01:00:16

can easily be adopted at home.


00:01:00:16 - 00:01:03:15

So for reducing, you can look at maybe

installing more water


00:01:03:15 - 00:01:05:04

efficient cisterns in your toilets.


00:01:05:06 - 00:01:07:20

In terms of replacing, what I would advise


00:01:07:20 - 00:01:10:23

people to do is look for

items that aren’t working correctly.


00:01:10:23 - 00:01:13:20

So dripping showerheads,

taps, leaky pipes.


00:01:14:00 - 00:01:17:03

It might just seem like a few drips

of water, but it all adds up over time.


00:01:17:04 - 00:01:18:15

And also by replacing these items,


00:01:18:15 - 00:01:21:03

you might save yourself a bit of money

as well as stress.


00:01:21:09 - 00:01:22:21

Kathy: Some great tips for everybody there.


00:01:22:21 - 00:01:25:05

I have a leaky tap at home,

so I will check that out.


00:01:25:16 - 00:01:27:03

Aidan: So in terms of reusing.


00:01:27:03 - 00:01:29:07

What's important

is to make the most out of the water


00:01:29:07 - 00:01:30:09

that you're already using at home.


00:01:30:09 - 00:01:32:21

So when you're washing your vegetables

or boiling pasta,


00:01:33:03 - 00:01:35:01

instead of letting all that water

just disappear down


00:01:35:01 - 00:01:37:14

the drain, never to be used again,

you can actually use that


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to water your plants.


00:01:38:11 - 00:01:39:15

So that's really useful,


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particularly in the summer

when there's a shortage of water.


00:01:41:19 - 00:01:42:22

Kathy: Such a good tip.

Waste management

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Transcript  for video Aviva Stadium Sustainability - Waste Management

Waste Management:

00:00:04:22 - 00:00:09:10

Kathy: So, on match day there’s around 

50,000 people plus in this stadium.


00:00:09:10 - 00:00:13:06

I'd imagine that makes waste management

quite a complex issue


00:00:13:06 - 00:00:14:16

for the stadium to manage.


00:00:14:16 - 00:00:16:02

Can you tell us a little bit about that?


00:00:16:02 - 00:00:16:12

Aidan: Sure.


00:00:16:12 - 00:00:18:17

Yeah, it is definitely a complex process,


00:00:18:17 - 00:00:22:12

but we do have a structured system

in place that focuses on waste generation,


00:00:22:20 - 00:00:26:03

how we process that on site before

we send it away to our waste management


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provider for further processing.


00:00:27:13 - 00:00:29:15

It follows the reduce, reuse,

recycle approach.


00:00:29:16 - 00:00:32:18

This has actually led us

to remove single-use plastics from site.


00:00:32:18 - 00:00:36:00

So, we implemented a reusable cup

to get rid of the single-use


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PET plastic pint glasses.


00:00:37:18 - 00:00:40:08

Since we put this in, we've saved over

one and a half million cups


00:00:40:08 - 00:00:42:06

and that equates

to about ten tonnes of waste.


00:00:42:11 - 00:00:46:19

We also tried to support Ireland’s transition

away from the linear economy approach.


00:00:46:19 - 00:00:48:24

So that's kind of where you take your waste

and dispose


00:00:48:24 - 00:00:50:19

to kind of promote

the new circular economy.


00:00:50:19 - 00:00:54:24

So make, take, recycle. A good example of

this is our new Gumdrop bins,


00:00:54:24 - 00:00:57:21

which takes waste chewing gum,

which then gets reprocessed


00:00:57:21 - 00:01:00:00

and turned into a new polymer

called gum-tec,


00:01:00:00 - 00:01:03:03

which then goes on to make new Gumdrop

bins. So the cycle continues.


00:01:03:09 - 00:01:06:04

Kathy: Can you tell us a little bit

about how people could practice


00:01:06:04 - 00:01:07:17

positive waste management at home?


00:01:07:17 - 00:01:09:13

Aidan: At this stage,

everyone knows the importance


00:01:09:13 - 00:01:11:21

and benefits of recycling,

but not everyone knows


00:01:11:21 - 00:01:14:14

that you can only recycle items

if they are clean, dry and loose.


00:01:15:01 - 00:01:18:14

So REPAK would report that 30%

of what goes into your recycling bin


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every year is contaminated.


00:01:20:03 - 00:01:23:04

So just make sure to check all your food

packaging before you pop it in the bin.


00:01:23:12 - 00:01:26:23

There's also really great apps out there

to avoid food waste, such as 


00:01:26:23 - 00:01:27:18

Too Good To Go.


00:01:27:18 - 00:01:30:03

Basically, it's a great resource

which connects people


00:01:30:08 - 00:01:33:08

with shops and restaurants

that have surplus food at reduced cost.


00:01:33:14 - 00:01:36:15

Aviva also have a really good charity

partner called FoodCloud,


00:01:36:24 - 00:01:39:06

which connects businesses

that have surplus food


00:01:39:06 - 00:01:41:18

with other charities and community groups

that really need it.


00:01:41:18 - 00:01:42:19

So it would be great


00:01:42:19 - 00:01:45:15

if people would check out and see

if they can volunteer at their local hub.


00:01:46:01 - 00:01:49:08

Kathy: I hope you've enjoyed this little

look behind the scenes at what happens at


00:01:49:08 - 00:01:53:16

Aviva Stadium to put sustainability

at the heart of this amazing place


00:01:53:16 - 00:01:55:16

and that you've taken

a little bit of inspiration


00:01:55:16 - 00:01:59:15

as to what you can do too, because

remember, whether it's in your own home


00:01:59:21 - 00:02:02:19

or the home of Irish rugby,

we've all got what it takes


00:02:02:19 - 00:02:04:00

to make a difference.

Now you’re feeling inspired, why not get the whole family involved? Build your own bug hotel with our step-by-step instructions to make a home away from home for all sorts of creatures and critters!

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