Having home insurance brings the peace of mind that you and your family deserve. Our policies can be tailored to your specific needs, so you only pay for exactly what you need. Here’s a list of scenarios that you may not realise your home insurance covers.

1. Impact by aircraft, animal, road or rail vehicle
While impact by aircraft may not be at the top of your list when wondering what home insurance covers. But at Aviva we do cover loss or damage to your building and contents in your home caused by impact of an aircraft or other flying object, by any non-domestic animals, road or rail vehicle.
2. Contents being moved by professional removal contractors
Are you moving house soon? Anything being moved by professional removal contractors in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland can be covered within your policy. Fragile items such as glass and china are included in this, once they have been packed by the removal professionals.
3. Jury service
If you or your partner are called up for jury service, your home insurance will cover a benefit of €40 per day or part day up to a total of €650.
4. Fallen satellite dishes, aerials or security cameras
During storms or serious winds, your satellites and aerials are under threat of damage. So we cover any aerials or satellites (under 15 meters high) and security cameras on your property for both loss and damage.
5. Damage caused by vandalism, riots, strikes or civil unrest
We cover loss or damage to your home or contents in the event of civil unrest or vandalism.
6. Illegal use of lost credit or debit cards
If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of losing your debit or credit card, remember to report it within 24 hours to the police and your bank. If you or a permanent member of your household become legally liable for any costs following the loss of your credit or debit card, we will pay these costs until a point agreed specifically in your individual policy.
7. Frozen food in domestic home freezer
We will cover loss or damage to frozen food caused by a rise or fall in temperature, refrigerant leaks or fumes. A power outage or restricted supply from your electricity company will not be covered.
8. Service pipes and cables
Accidental damage to service pipes, cables and underground tanks which service your home and for which you are responsible.
9. 10% increase in contents insurance at Christmas
Christmas can be such a busy time, and we understand that you have plenty on your mind, as well as on your shopping list. So, we automatically increase your contents cover by 10% at no extra cost over the month of December.
10. 10% increase in contents cover for 30 days before and after your wedding or the wedding of an immediate family member
The time around a wedding is also hectic, so it’s nice to know there’s one less thing to worry about. We increase your contents cover for free, 30 days before and after your wedding, or the wedding of any immediate family member.
11. Loss or damage to visitors’ belongings
Belongings of visitors that are temporarily in your home will be covered if they are damaged or lost due to fire, smoke, vandalism, theft, flood or storm as specified under your policy.
12. A No Claims Discount of up to 40%
We will reduce the cost of your insurance if you don’t make a claim under your policy. For instance, if after one year we have not paid a claim under your policy, when you renew your policy you will receive a discount of 15%. This can be built year-on-year to a maximum of 40%.
For complete details, terms and conditions of our home insurance cover please or to view our HomeCare Policy Document; click here.
Get more information on Aviva home insurance.