If you're like most car owners, you rely on your vehicle to get from point A to point B. But as time goes on, your car may start showing signs of wear and tear. There are many ways to justify changing your car but sometimes it is not simply a choice rather there comes a point when your long-suffering vehicle just can’t be expected to go on. If you are in denial about your current cars potential lifespan, we cover 6 honest signs that now is the time to replace your car.

How do you know when to replace your car?
1. Your mechanic knows you by name
Costly repairs are the first sign that you may need a new set of wheels. Generally, if your monthly car maintenance expenses are beginning to exceed the cost of a new car payment then it makes financial sense to consider your options.
2. Your car has failed the NCT
More than half the cars tested by the NCT fail and that can result in anything from a new tyre to the car needing to be scrapped. A serious fail requiring costly repairs or expensive parts is a sign that it may be time to part company.
3. You are spending more time at service stations
Poor fuel economy is one of the signs that you need a new car.
4. It no longer meets your needs
Has the size of your family changed? Maybe your two-seater convertible is no longer appropriate for your growing family? There are many factors in your life that force you to re-evaluate what you need from your vehicle and help you determine whether or not you need to replace your existing one.
5. It’s unreliable
If every time you go on a long journey you have to worry about making it back home safely, is it worth it?
6. Your friends and family no longer want a lift
If your friends and family members are refusing to take a lift with you and even your children would rather walk to school it might be time to look at your options.
When you take the big step to get a new car, it’s important you give it the best protection you can. Phone us on 1800 332 211 to find the perfect insurance for your car.